Our Bin Vibrators, consist of conical shape discharge zone which is connected to storage silo or hopper through a set of steel hangers. The Bin Activator designed by us consists of a conical shape discharge zone that is connected to storage silo or hopper through a set of steel hangers. The gap between the hopper and discharge zone is sealed with the help of a special flexible rubber sleeve. The material is made to flow normally through the opening provided at the discharge point with the help of one Unbalance Vibrator motor that is fixed on one side.

The gap between the hopper and discharge zone is sealed by one special flexible sleeve made up of rubber. One unbalance vibrator motor is fixed on one side, which when operated makes the material flow normally through the opening, provided at discharge point. Sometimes material stored in hopper does not flow easily due to peculiar design of hopper or due to inherent non flowing properties of the material. In such situation the general solution is to employ bin vibrators, Air jets, Manual pocking or hammering.
Bin Activator has tried on all difficult level to handle products like surphur and its compounds, fine mica powder and other minerals, ores titanium dioxide, wood chips, salt, sugar and such other fine, flaky, fibrous and sticky materials.